Cookie handshake

Before exchanging data, ADventori and the Data Provider must match their user id. Two methods are possible: either ADventori is responsible for maintaining the UID matching or the Data Provider is resposible for it.

ADventori-side UID matching

In order to initiate any server-side data exchange, ADventori must match the Data Provider UID (UID_PROVIDER) and the ADventori cookie UID (UID_ADventori) assigned to a user. This ID will serve as the key for any exchanged data records associated with a given browser.

Cookie handshake

The URL to call after the data provider has initiated cookie handshake is the following:

HTTPS can also be used:
  • The UID_PROVIDER parameter must be specified in the service call. It must represent the data provider unique identifier
  • The PROVIDER_CODE parameter must be specified in the service call. It represents the data provider unique code. The value is given by ADventori to the data provider.

Data Provider-side UID matching

Even if the data provider is responsible for maintaining the UID matching, the sync must be initiated by the provider himself.

The URL to call is the following:

HTTPS can also be used:
  • The PROVIDER_CODE parameter must be specified in the service call. It represents the data provider unique code. The value is given by ADventori to the data provider.

  • The REDIRECT_URL parameter must be specified in the service call. It represents the URL to which the user is redirected after the call. It MUST contains the $UID macro which is replaced by the ADventori user ID when redirected. If the value starts by //, the protocol used to call ADventori service is used for the redirection. Also, don’t forget to encode special characters in the redirect url (?, &, …). For example, the URL could be:$UID