Server-to-server data transfer

In order to personalize ads, data must be transferred from DMP servers to ADventori servers. Two methods can be used to do this: push or pull.

Push method

Diagram explaining push data transfer

Data can be pushed to ADventori either by FTP or by HTTP POST.

The scheduling of this transfer depends on the method. If HTTP POST is used, transfer can occur in real time or scheduled (hourly, daily, …). If FTP is used, only fixed scheduling (daily, hourly, …) is possible.


Using HTTP POST, you can replace, upsert (ie. insert ou update if it exists) or delete data for a user. Data is sent in JSON format as the body of the POST query (the HTTP content type must be set to application/json). If the JSON message is not a valid JSON object, a 400 (bad request) error will be issued.

Atomic operations

Three operations are available to push data for a single user:

  • replace
  • upsert
  • delete

For more details on these operations, please refer to this page

Batch operations

Instead of calling several times the same operation (upsert, replace or delete), it is possible to use methods ( respectively upsertAll, replaceAll and deleteAll) that call the method for several users with the same data. It is possible to mix operations by using the batch method.

For more details on these operations, please refer to this page

Expiring data

By default, all data sent to ADventori expires after 365 days. It is possible to use a different TTL for all write operations by adding an optional ttl parameter. Its value is the number of day after which the data expires.

The URLs with TTL are

The TIME_TO_LIVE parameter represents the number of days after which the data expires. For the batch operation, it is possible to set a TTL for all the operations in the batch and override this TTL by specifying a TTL for a specific atomic operation.

For example, for a global TTL to 90 days and 30 days for the second opertion, the URL will be:

and the JSON will be

    "uid": "UID_PROVIDER_1",
    "operation": "upsert",
    "data": {
      "key1": "value1.1",
      "key2": "value2.1"
    "uid": "UID_PROVIDER_2",
    "operation": "replace",
    "ttl": 30,
    "data": {
      "key1": null,
      "key2": "value2.2"
    "uid": "UID_PROVIDER_3",
    "operation": "delete"

HTTP status code

HTTP status codes are used to indicate the success or otherwise of requests. The following status are common:

  • 200 Successful request. Body will contain a JSON summary of the operation
  • 207 For batch operation only. Some atomic operations succeeded, some failed. Body will contain a JSON summary of the operation (atomic operation per atomic operation)
  • 400 Error in request. Either the user id is not given, the TTL is not a number or no data is given for operation that need data
  • 401 Authentication error
  • 404 Non existent resource.
  • 500 Internal Server Error. Body will contain a JSON summary of the operation

API limits

Limiting of the HTTP API is considered on atomic operation basis per advertiser. An atomic operation is a call to upsert, replace or delete, an operation in a batch. For replaceAll, upsertAll or deleteAll calls correspond to n atomci operations, where n is the number of distinct user ids.

HTTP API is limited at 5 millions (5,000,000) atomic operations per advertiser per day.

Batch operations are also limited in term of number of contained atomic operation. A batch can contains at most 100,000 atomic operations.

There is also a limit on concurrent calls to the API: there can be at most 5 concurrent calls at a time.


Bulk insert is possible by sending us files by FTP. Please contact us for more details about file format and FTP credentials.

Pull method

Contact us to set up pull synchronization